The earthquake occurred in 1695 caused the destruction of almost the entire district of Contrata Carcere and its […]
The earthquake occurred in 1695 caused the destruction of almost the entire district of Contrata Carcere and its […]
St. Bonaventure’s House was sited on a cliff face, on the southern side of the town. The Del […]
The construction date of this church is unknown. It seems that it was built on a pre-existing pagan […]
The museum is sited within a wonderful Renaissance palace, Palazzo Alemanni Mazzocchi, a 1585 building that shares its […]
The Porta Santa Maria is a refined entrance gate to Civita. Among the plentiful gates in town, it […]
The Valle dei Calanchi is a territory bordered on one side by a valley where the Rio Torbido […]
The terrace of the Belvedere in Bagnoregio offers an extraordinary view over one of the most suggestive panoramas […]
The western edge of the Belvedere hosts the Grotta di San Bonaventura, an ancient Etruscan tomb dug into […]
The monument was realized in the foundries of Rome on 24 December and moved to Bagnoregio on 26 […]
The church is also known as St. Augustine’s Church, as it has been officiated by the Augustinians — […]
The Taruffi Museum is placed in the same building that formerly hosted the municipal slaughterhouse. After renovation works, […]
The Cathedral of Bagnoregio is sited in Piazza Cavour. Previously, the edifice was a humble church dedicated to […]
The tremendous earthquakes that hit and ravaged the region in 1695, 1755, and 1759 led to the Friars […]
The monument of the Piramide is an ossuary sited in the Parco della Rimembranza, the park created in […]
Formerly dedicated to Sant’Angelo, the church was purchased by the Compagnia di San Bonaventura on 13 March 1632. […]